Every driver is usually hyper-alert to any damage on their car, especially if the damage in question is right in front of them. When you notice cracks or chips on your windscreen, your first thought might be that you have a big problem on your hands. But it’s not always as bad as you may think. No matter what you may have heard from your mechanic or fellow drivers, these windscreen problems have an upside.…
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A chip or crack in your car’s windscreen can be inconvenient or even dangerous, but nowadays they are pretty easily repaired. Using a specialised resin injection kit, windscreens can be repaired within a few minutes, either by yourself using a home kit, or by professionals. Many car insurance schemes now offer free glass repair as part of their coverage.
However, there are a number of factors than can make conventional windscreen repair difficult or even impossible.…
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A broken or cracked windshield may not seem like an urgent fix for your car since it typically doesn’t interfere with your driving. However, it’s never good to drive with a windshield that is broken or cracked, even if it has a minor chip. Consider some reasons why this is and why you should have this repair done as soon as possible.
1. Your safety is at risk
The windshield of your car does much more than keep bugs out of your teeth; it protects you during any number of accidents.…
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